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Refrigerated Vehicle Finance Options

There is a number of ways to finance your vehicle, here are a few simply explained:

Hire Purchases

This is the traditional method to fund a vehicle that most people know and understand. A fixed cost fixed period loan that allows the cost of the vehicle to be spread over a period of up to five years, the vehicle is not owned by the customer until the final payment has been made. Monthly payments cover the capitol costs plus interest and do not carry V.A.T.

Contract Hire

Low rentals with out the risk of disposal, with this V.A.T. beneficial finance package one regular rental payment covers all risks including cost of depreciation and disposal for a agreed period of time. Contracts are mileage based and are available with or without maintenance.

Finance Lease

A VAT beneficial finance option where the lessee can choose to pay the entire cost over the agreed lease period plus an interest charge, or pay lower monthly rentals during the lease period with the final payment based on the anticipated resale value of the vehicle.

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